Friday, May 31, 2013

Facebook versus Blogs

google-vs-facebook by bloggingcagedotcom

Photo taken from

I have a lot of friends who are active on Facebook but they don't have a blog. I feel that they should really get a blog since they're always online and they always have something to say about every issue that's on TV and on the Web.

I'm not saying that they discontinue using Facebook and course their thoughts on a blog. I would suggest that they post their thoughts on Facebook (and Twitter as well) through a blog. The reasons being the following:

1. It's easier to search for topics (or backtrack) on a blog than Facebook. Facebook works best if you wanted to backtrack your post for the last few weeks. However, if you're going to backtrack what you posted 1 or 2 years ago, then good luck with that. Blogs will learn you organize your post according to topics (called Labels) and through dates (from oldest to latest). It also has an option to Search your blog. You can't do a search on Facebook, can you?

2. You can monetize your post through Blogs. If you post your thoughts on Facebook, you don't any money in return. Only Facebook benefits from your constant use of their website. If you monetize your thoughts and posts through blogs, you earn something in return -- either from Google AdSense or Nuffnang Philippines. You can also add advertisements on your blog especially if it's already receiving decent traffic.

3. You can reach more people on blogs than Facebook. Facebook is block most of the time at work. It's also blocked in other countries like China, North Korea, Cuba, Iran, etc. Blogs also have options for Subscription Through Email -- something that Dial Up readers can do. In this age of fiber optics, yes, there are still some areas in rural US, rural Philippines, some Asian countries and some African countries that doesn't have DSL connection.

4. A person who's not on Facebook can't view your Facebook status update. However, if he's connected to the Net, he could at least view your blog. Also, the contents of your blog (especially if it's hosted by Blogger) will automatically be indexed by Google Search. This means that it will reach even more people across the Globe.

5. You can customize your blog unlike your Facebook page. You can include a lot of Widgets on your blog like Facebook Fan Page widget, Twitter widget, Page Views counter, Disqus commenting system, among others. You can change the background color, font and lay-out of your blog to your heart's delight. Blogs bring out the lay-out artist in a person. So if you're one of those Facebook users that complain whenever the lay-out of FB is change, then create your own blog.

6. Amazing stories posted on Facebook looks better on blogs. Every day, we see amazing stories on Facebook but we have to click on Read more to see the entire story. Plus, we only see 1 picture for that story. That's the reason why that inspiring story would look better on a blog. More readable font, more pictures and is searchable on the Net.

Of course, Facebook have advantages over blogs as well but I’ll probably list it down some day. For now, I would highly suggest to start blogging, especially if you’re always online.

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